


what is jwt

Securing Your ASP.NET Core Apps with JWT Authentication

In today’s web development landscape, robust authentication mechanisms are crucial. JWT (JSON Web Token) has emerged as a popular choice due to its simplicity, security, and flexibility. This blog post will delve into using JWT for authentication in ASP.NET Core…

Angular Directives – Overview

Angular Directives: Powerful Tools to Shape Your User Interface Angular directives are helpers in your Angular applications. They extend the capabilities of HTML elements, adding dynamic behavior and customization options. With directives, you can manipulate the DOM, control data flow,…

Concatenation of Array

LeetCode #1929 – Concatenation of Array

Let’s solve LeetCode 1929 – Concatenation of Array problem. It’s from the Arrays section on LeetCode, and as usual, we’ll tackle it using C# today. Before we jump into the code, let’s understand the problem statement. This problem challenges you…

DTOs in C#: Streamlining Data Flow in Your Applications

In the world of software development, data is king. But how you handle that data can make a big difference in the efficiency and maintainability of your application. Enter Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), unsung heroes that play a crucial role…

Entity Framework wallpaper

Entity Framework – Overview

Imagine this: you’re building a fantastic web application, but every time you need to interact with the database, you have to write raw SQL queries. It’s slow, error-prone, and can be a real drag on your development process. Enter Entity…